Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Noah. Person 2: Noah who?

Person 1: Noah good place to get something to eat?

Q: What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?

A: A spelling bee.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Luke. Person 2: Luke who?

Person 1: Luke through the peep hole and you’ll see.

Q: Where do cows go for entertainment?

A: The mooooo-vies!

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Sadie. Person 2: Sadie who?

Person 1: Sadie magic word and I’ll disappear.

Q: What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep?

A: A stega-snore-us.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Justin. Person 2: Justin who?

Person 1: Justin time for dinner!

Q: Why couldn't the pony sing?

A: Because she was a little hoarse.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Claire. Person 2: Claire who?

Person 1: Claire the way — I’m coming through!

Q: Where do sheep go to get their hair cut?

A: The baa-baa shop.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Mikey. Person 2: Mikey who?

Person 1: Mikey doesn’t fit in the keyhole. Let me in!

Q: What do you get when you cross a snake with a pie?

A: A pie-thon!

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Little old lady. Person 2: Little old lady who?

Person 1: Wow, I didn’t know you could yodell!

Q: What's the most musical part of the chicken?

A: The drumstick.

Q: What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?

A: A tube-a toothpaste.

Q: What kind of lion never roars?

A: A dande-lion!

Q: What runs around a yard without actually moving?

A: A fence.

Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?

A: A towel.

Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary?

A: “Smiles,” because there’s a “mile” between each “s.”

Q: What has a bed that you can't sleep in?

A: A river.

Q: What has four wheels and flies?

A: A garbage truck.

Q: When is a door not a door?

A: When it’s a-jar.

Q: When does Friday come before Thursday?

A: In the dictionary.

Q: What comes down, but never comes up?

A: Rain.

Q: What starts with the letter "t," is filled with "t," and ends in "t"?

A: A teapot.

Q: What can be broken, but can't be held?

A: A promise.

Q: What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?

A: A clock.

Q: A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days, then leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

A: His horse’s name was Friday.

Q: What never asks questions, but is often answered?

A: A doorbell.

Q: What kind of button doesn't unbutton?

A: A belly button.

Q: Everyone has it, and no one can lose it. What is it?

A: A shadow.

Q: Why was the student's report card wet?

A: It was below C level!

Q: What three candies can you find in every school?

A: Nerds, DumDums, and Smarties.

Q: What did the buffalo say to his kid when he dropped him off at school?

A: Bison!

Q: What's a snake's favorite subject?

A: Hisstory.

Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses inside?

A: Her students were so bright!

Q: Where do pencils go on vacation?

A: Pencil-vania.

Q: Why couldn't the bike stand up?

A: It was too tired.

Q: Why did the drum take a nap?

A: It was beat.

Q: What did one penny say to another penny?

A: We make cents.

Q: Why are teddy bears never hungry?

A: Because they’re always stuffed!

Q: What did the digital clock say to the grandfather clock?

A: Look, grandpa! No hands!

Q: What did one eye say to the other eye?

A: Don’t look now, but something between us smells.

Q: What did the blanket say to the child?

A: Don’t worry: I’ve got you covered!

Q: Why did the computer go to the doctor?

A: It had a virus.

Q: Why did the policeman go to the baseball game?

A: He’d heard that someone had stolen a base!

Q: When do doctors get mad?

A: When they run out of patients.

Q: What did the judge say to the dentist?

A: Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth?

Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?

A: In case he got a hole in one.

Q: Why did the scientist take out his doorbell?

A: He wanted to win the no-bell prize.

Q: What did the fisherman say to the magician?

A: Pick a cod, any cod!

Q: What do prisoners use to call each other?

A: Cell phones.

Q: What kind of shoes do all spies wear?

A: Sneak-ers.

Q: What is a cheerleader's favorite drink?

A: Root beer.

Q: What do elves learn at school?

A: The elf-abet.

Q: Why was the math book sad?

A: Because it had so many problems.

Q: What did the calculator say to the math student?

A: You can count on me.

Q: Why did the boy bring the ladder to school?

A: He was going to high school.

Q: Why were the teacher's eyes crossed?

A: She couldn’t control her pupils.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Imma. Person 2: Imma who?

Person 1: Imma gettin’ tired of waiting — let me in!

Q: What's the worst thing about throwing a party in space?

A: You have to planet.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Roach. Person 2: Roach who?

Person 1: Roach you a letter. Didn’t you get it?

Q: Why did the tree go to the dentist?

A: It needed a root canal.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Dishes. Person 2: Dishes who?

Person 1: Dishes a nice place you’ve got here!

Q: Why can't you trust atoms?

A: They make up everything!

Person 1: Will you remember me in one minute? Person 2: Yes. Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there?

Person 1: Hey! You didn’t remember me!

Q: Why do moon rocks taste better than earth rocks?

A: Because they’re meteor.

Q: How do you know when the moon has had enough to eat?

A: When it’s full.

Q: What washes up on very small beaches?

A: Micro-waves.

Q: What did the tree say to the wind?

A: Leaf me alone!

Q: What kind of music do planets listen to?

A: Nep-tunes.

Q: What do you call a funny mountain?

A: Hill-arious!

Q: Why did the opera singer go sailing?

A: She wanted to hit the high Cs.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Interrupting pirate. Person 2: Interrup...

Person 1: ARRRRRRR!

Q: What do you call cheese that's not yours?

A: Nach-o cheese.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Boo. Person 2: Boo who?

Person 1: Don’t cry, it’s just me!

Q: What do call it when you help a lemon that's in trouble?

A: Lemon-aid.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Cow says. Person 2: Cow says who?

Person 1: No, silly! A cow says “Mooooo!”

Q: Why did the banana go to the hospital?

A: He was peeling really bad.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Ketchup. Person 2: Ketchup who?

Person 1: Ketchup with me and I’ll tell you.

Q: Why did the tomato turn red?

A: It saw the salad dressing.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Dozen. Person 2: Dozen who?

Person 1: Dozen anyone want to let me in?

Q: Which U.S. state has the smallest soft drinks?

A: Minnesota.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Iowa. Person 2: Iowa who?

Person 1: Iowa friend a couple dollars.

Q: Where do hamburgers go to dance?

A: They go to the meat-ball.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Olive. Person 2: Olive who?

Person 1: Olive you!

Q: How does the ocean say hello?

A: It waves.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Canoe. Person 2: Canoe who?

Person 1: Canoe help me with my homework?

Q: What do you call a group of disorganized cats?

A: A cat-tastrophe.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Lettuce. Person 2: Lettuce who?

Person 1: Lettuce in, it’s cold out here!

Q: How many tickles does it take to get an octopus to laugh?

A: Ten-tickles.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Figs. Person 2: Figs who?

Person 1: Figs the doorbell — it’s broken!

Q: Why did the chicken get a penalty?

A: For fowl play.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Leaf. Person 2: Leaf who?

Person 1: Leaf me alone!

Q: Where do you learn to make banana splits?

A: At sundae school.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Wooden shoe. Person 2: Wooden shoe who?

Person 1: Wooden shoe like to hear another joke?

Q: Why did the melon jump into the lake?

A: It wanted to be a water-melon.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Alpaca.<br /> Person 2: Alpaca who?

Person 1: Alpaca the suitcase; you pack the trunk!

Q: What's an astronaut's favorite candy?

A: A Mars bar.

Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: Atch. Person 2: Atch who?

Person 1: Bless you!

Q: Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

A: It was feeling crumb-y.

Regina Luna
Regina Luna
Cindy Farslow
Cindy Farslow
Paul is the most awesome magician and party entertainer around! You definitely will not need sorry having him at your event!!
Joseph Ulibarri
Joseph Ulibarri
Best Magician I know!
Gary Lin
Gary Lin
Jolianna Schultz
Jolianna Schultz
I have seen Tall Paul perform numerous times. He’s hilarious and a fantastic magician. Kids and adults love him! His up close magic is awesome. One time he stole my watch right off my hand. I didn’t notice. Then he revealed it a few tricks later. And I was like, ‘hey, that’s my watch!’ A must hire!
Shane Randall
Shane Randall
Paul does an awesome show! Great with kids and adults. Do yourself a favor and book him for your next party.
Amy Foil
Amy Foil
I first met Paul 5 years ago and thoroughly enjoyed his magic! He's an awesome magician, person and entertainer. I recommend him 110%!
Suzanne Field
Suzanne Field
Love love love Tall Paul!!💙💙💙
Morgain Davison
Morgain Davison
Paul is great! Talented, charismatic and approachable. He's awesome with even the shyest of kids. His card tricks are so much fun to watch!
William Stafford
William Stafford
Great rapport with the kids!
Jason Jepsen
Jason Jepsen
He's one of the best magicians I've ever seen, thank you.
Keith McWilliams
Keith McWilliams
Funny guy and great magic tricks, met him at Texas Roadhouse and we are booking him for an upcoming birthday party!
John Gojkovich
John Gojkovich
Brittany Ortiz
Brittany Ortiz
The kids loved every minute of his performance! Tall Paul has so much exciting energy and he the audience laughing!
Maggie Ramirez
Maggie Ramirez
Kathryn Lynn
Kathryn Lynn
Brittany Lynn
Brittany Lynn
Anthony hughes
Anthony hughes
Paul is very friendly and approachable, made waiting for my food fun and entertaining. His 5 coin magic trick was truly amazing.
Anila Asim
Anila Asim
I am so glad we opted for you to come to our party. The while show was entertaining for the kids as well as adults.
Sahi Vibes
Sahi Vibes
Best magician I know
Andy Gomm
Andy Gomm
Tall Paul performed at our son’s 9th birthday party in a park in Santa Fe. He had 25 kids (and adults 😃) captivated from the start. Kids loved every moment and parents had a lot of laughs too!! He is thoroughly professional and easy to work with!!
Xavier Smith
Xavier Smith
Very personable and was able to connect with his audience. Able to get my 6 year old and my 2 year old engaged.
Richard Voss
Richard Voss
Sorcery is the only way I can describe this performance.
James Sierra
James Sierra
Literally left me speechless
Eric Yaryan
Eric Yaryan
Paul is an outstanding performer! The best close up magician I have seen in Albuquerque for sure. He is great with kids and adults alike, and will surely keep you agape throughout his performance.!
Jax Simmons
Jax Simmons
Very mind blowing show, and overall great experience. 10 out of 10 would recommend anytime.
kristen green
kristen green
Tall Paul does amazing shows entertaining the entire crowd. His passion for entertainment is the BEST!!!
Every generation will love this guy! Entertainer extraordinaire, he will get every person laughing and having fun! Enjoy!
DeVonna Waters
DeVonna Waters
So comfortable and quiet
Scott W
Scott W
He performed at a Christmas party, and did an excellent job will hire him again in a heartbeat
Allie Araoz
Allie Araoz
We ran into Tall Paul while waiting for our seat at Texas Roadhouse. His jokes and sense of humor is absolute gold. Idk when, but I will definitely hire him at some point. Maybe just to come to work with me and make me laugh all day.
Scott Chase
Scott Chase
He performed at our company Christmas party last year and did an amazing job I would give him 6 stars if I could
Jason Trahan
Jason Trahan
Sam Tri
Sam Tri
Funny, entertaining show that keeps the kids engaged the entire time! Paul is friendly and great with the kids. Would highly recommend for a birthday or other kids celebration.
Lena Maes
Lena Maes
Tall Paul was fun and energetic. He entertained the children and the adults for a solid performance. Our birthday boy was surprised and is requesting another show!! You will NOT be sorry booking Tall Paul!
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