Hi, I’m Tall Paul, Mexico’s funniest Family Entertainer and welcome to ThePartyTips.com your blog for party tips tricks and anything else that will help you have the best event ever.

I’m over here at the Isotopes game and speaking of games. I learned a really cool party game from an Australian friend of mine, and then I learned it again from another Australian magician. I haven’t seen it played though it’s called past the parcel and it’s kind of like hot potato I guess, but a little different. Instead of passing a ball around or something you pass a parcel around so you take a gift of some sort. Wrap it up in wrapping paper and use maybe three or four different colors wrapping it three four different times. It gets passed around the circle and once the music stops, whoever is holding the present or the parcel gets to unwrap one layer, then it passes again when the music starts. Whoever ends up getting to the gift inside, gets to keep it.

There is a great place to get inexpensive little gifts and things Oriental Trading Company. I have an affiliate link down below. https://goto.orientaltrading.com/Zvvok So please order from them if you can help me out . Have a great time. I’m going to get back to the game. This is Tall Paul reminding you to be kind to this day., because it’s the only day of its kind. Remember to like and subscribe. Have a good one everybody